Monday, April 4, 2011

You May Need To Touch Raw Meat For These Tacos

1 lb brown beef- 15% fat (there's a dizzying array of fat percentages)
taco seasoning (chili powder, cumin, and garlic if no powder)
small can of tomato sauce
chopped onion
splash of water
grated cheese
chopped up tomatoes
if you really want to, sour cream
taco shells
Take ½ cup of chopped onions- use 1/4 if it's dried- and add to beef in frying pan. Add some salt and pepper- what looks about right- and chop them all together, mixing them up while cooking. Dad recommends a plastic spatula for the chopping/mixing/cooking. When it's all brown, smoosh the meat to one side and let all the fat flow to one side. Scoop all of the fat into a can or something. Add taco seasoning- about ½ the package, unless you want it really spicy. Add small can of tomato sauce- it should be about 4-8 oz- dad isn't too sure. Splash a little bit of water in, and cook at low-med temperature for a minute to warm it all up. Then, paired with your other ingredients, you should have a taco bar for six tacos.

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